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Brain Gym DVD

Improve your own body integration so you can move in harmony with your horse. 


A series of fun exercises designed specifically for equestrians, presented in an easy-to-follow, one hour and 20-minute long DVD.


$25 (plus postage)

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Learn about functional anatomy

Experience a fun and easy warmup

Stay in shape for your horse

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Brain Gym DVD

Ball Excercises

Ball Exercises

The Ball Exercises introduce equestrians to using the inflatable exercise balls to experience the contra-lateral movement that deeply integrates the abdominals.


Playful manipulation of the exercise ball compels the mover to work at varied levels in space, employs active use of backspace, requires clarity of spatial intent, encourages deep hip flexion and introduces the image of bony landmarks such as heel-sitz bone connection.

Artistic Director: JoAnna Mendl Shaw

Videographer: Katie Drake

Video Editor: Norma Vela

Filmed at The Equus Projects™ March 2007 Clinic in Reddick, Florida


Brain Gym is a simple sequence of movement that was designed to improve contralateral body movement and right-left brain integration. The Equus Projects teaches their own very fluid version of Brain Gym, adapted for equestrians.


Brain Gym® is a registered trademark of Brain Gym® International / Educational Kinesiology Foundation. © 2007 Brain Gym® International / Educational Kinesiology Foundation.

These exercises may not be copied, duplicated or sold without permission from The Equus Projects.

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Domestic Postage - $4.00

International Postage - $9.50

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Dance + Theatre + Horsemanship 

121 W. 17th, 4B New York, NY 10011


The Equus Project (c) 2014   all rights reserved.

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