Hopefully in 2021
Women of Pullman, Pas & Present
A collaboration with the Greenstone Church
Straight to the Heart: A Choral Convening
December 7, 2019
Pullman Community Chorus, Pat Brannon & Chrous,
Q Kaiser, Doran Blakeslee, Hubbard ll Dancers
A seamless sonic and visual landscape.

Graber and Shaw take audiences on a journey into the creative mind of Deborah Jackson

Pullman Salon Vol. III
A celebration of Deborah Jackson, Artist, Activist, Educator
June 12 - 14 at 7:30pm
June 15th at 1:30pm
11314 S. Langley Avenue
Chicago, IL 60628

VIDEO Excerpts:
Pullman Salon Vol. II
December 6th, 7th & 8th
A celebration of the Quiroz Family through stories and objects, dance interludes and tamales!
11319 S Saint Lawrence Avenue
December 6th - 7:30pm
December 7th - 7:30pm
December 8th - 11am & 1:00pm

Pullman Salon, Vol, I
A collaboration with:
Pullman Historian
Andy Bullen
Pullman Graffiti Artist
Ian Lantz

Sarah Rose Graber
JoAnna Mendl Shaw
With the renovation of the Hotel Florence still under construction,
Drawing Room Stories has been re-envisioned.....
Pullman Salons:
Intimate performances designed for interior spaces