Dance, storytelling and film are are woven into a fluid tapestry that draw the viewer
into the profound world of physical listening.

What do dancers bring into the equine arena?
That is the question the three dancers asked themselves
as they embarked on creating a movement language with two young foals.
Interspecies Journey: On Tour in 2022-2023
Wellfleet, MA - September 2022
Jefferson, NY - November 2022
Gibney Dance, NYC - December 2022
Temple University - January 2023
Sweet Briar College - March 2023
Tampa, FL - March 2023
Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO - October 2023
The Equus Projects: Teaching & Performance Residencies
Film Screening: IMPRINTED
Physical Listening, A Movement Experience for All Curious Movers
Dance Technique: Modern Contemporary
Improvisation & Composition
Choreographic Strategies
Community Engagement Classes
Choreographic Creation Process with students
Interspecies Journey: An evening length dance theater work that merges live dance with film and narrative storytelling.
Each iteration of the work is created for its local audience, often incorporating local dancers into the performance.
IMPRINTED, A Documentary Film about Desire and Listening
In April of 2021, three Equus Projects dancers began exploring moving, first with the two pregnant mares and then with their newborns. Filmmaker Stefan Morel was present for the horsemanship training and choreographic exploration. He captured the pregnant mare and the foals' births and documented the ensuing weeks of dance conversations with the mare and foals.
IMPRINTED is about impatience and stillness, desire and listening and our human tendency to make things happen. It is also about the habits imprinted on us that are in part our survival tools and at times our most challenging impediments.
IMPRINTED follows three dancers on an journey of embodied exploration with two mares and their newborn foals. Their horsemanship training and creative research proved both exciting and at times truly humbling.