About our sessions for dancers and equestrians
In the dance world, it’s a Workshop
In the horse world, it’s a Clinic
Equestrians, what will you learn in this workshop / clinic?
Techniques for reading and following your horse’s movement
How to transition smoothly between leading and following
What might improvisation with a horse look like?
How improvisation brings playful interaction into partnership with horses (and humans)
What skills do The Equus Projects dancers bring into the horse world?
Lots of Natural Horsemanship knowledge and ground skills
Years of experience moving with an equine partner
A new perspective on leadership
A sense of play
What experience does The Equus Projects have with teaching equestrians?
One on One training with Linda Parelli; PNH Level II
Training with Anna Twinney
On-going horsemanship ground skills training
Choreographing and performing with horses since 1998
Co-Teaching equestrian clinics with David Lichman, Karen Rohlf
Clinics in Montana, Vermont, Maine, Ohio, Florida, Texas, NY, CT, NM
Santa Fe: https://www.equus-onsite.org/pr-horses-come-to-pullman
What will this workshop / clinic do for your horsemanship?
Expand and deepen your
Noticing, spatial awareness, posture-gesture integration, expressiveness
Give you tools for creating playful interactions with horses (and humans)
Offer insights how we can be more accountable for our movement choices
What will we be doing in the workshop / clinic?
A fun, easy warmup that will get body and mind working together
Movement explorations to get you into a playful state of mind. No wrong answers…
Improvisation exercises with a human partner to:
Sharpen your ability to notice and move at the same time
Let your body do the thinking
Bolster your decision-making skills.
Hands on explorations with equines on line, at liberty

A Workshop / Clinic that combines dance with horsemanship is unusual.
Folks often have questions. We created this document to answer some of your questions.
If you need more information, email us: jmsnyc@aol.com
About our sessions for dancers and equestrians
In the dance world, it’s a Workshop
In the horse world, it’s a Clinic
Dancers, what will you learn about in this workshop / clinic?
Noticing how horses negotiate alpha status amongst themselves
Translate that interaction into an improvisation score
Reflect on how choreography can be deepened via this inter-species notion of alpha negotiation….all human interactions are based on some for of status negotiation.
Dancers, what hands on equine experiences will you have?
Herd behavior observation
Being with a horse via grooming activities
Leading a horse on a lead line
Varied techniques for how to move a horse on a lead line
Experiencing moving with a horse at liberty in a round pen
What skills do The Equus Projects dancers bring into the horse world?
Lots of Natural Horsemanship knowledge
Lots of equine ground skills
Years of experience moving with an equine partner
What will this workshop / clinic do for your dancing?
Redefine being present
Heighten spatial awareness
Offer new perspectives on
leading and following
strategic thinking & choreography
orchestrating a trajectory
movement as communication
What will we be doing in the workshop / clinic?
A fun, easy warmup that will get body and mind working together
Movement explorations to get you into a playful state of mind.
Improvisation exercises with a human partner to:
Sharpen your ability to notice and move at the same time
Let your body do the thinking
Bolster your decision-making skills.
Hands on explorations with equines on line, at liberty